Week 1: May the Fourth be With You in 2020
MAY 1 - 8, 2020
Kick off Bike Month by completing one or both of these curated routes and make some GPS art while you’re at it!
What is GPS art? Take a look at our routes and you’ll see what we mean - as you log your bike ride using the Ride with GPS app for navigation (you can run Strava at the same if you want, but it won’t navigate the route), your GPS trail will create a picture on your map - for this week’s events, you can create a ‘2020’ and/or a ‘Star Wars Tie Fighter Jet’ (or our best estimate to one!)
Please note that this event is not meant to encourage social gathering and the routes listed are not an organized group ride. Instead, this is a curated route that you can do on your own at any time during the specified event dates. We ask that you abide by the current state and local rules regarding face coverings and maintaining a safe distance from others.
Please complete the following waiver of liability before embarking on any of the Bike Durham GPS routes: https://forms.gle/7kTfPJ7YmbeA7vw86
All Bike Durham Members have can join the Bike Durham Ride with GPS club account to get free access to premium features like turn-by-turn voice navigation! Special members-only link will be sent via email, contact us if you have not received it: danielle@bikedurham.org