#WeekWithoutDriving Challenge

SEPTEMBER 30th - OCTOBER 6th, 2024

Join us for our second-ever National #WeekWithoutDriving, dedicated to creating change and understanding the challenges created for non-drivers by our current urban infrastructure that caters to cars over people. If you’re already a nondriver, encourage your friends, family, and (even better) your elected officials to go a Week Without Driving!


Participants can get around however they want, but are encouraged not to drive themselves. This applies to all activities — not just work commutes. The challenge isn't about not using a car, rather it's to see what it's like to not be the one able to drive, to better understand what it’s like to try to navigate their communities without the privilege of driving. 

We know that this is hard for many people who currently drive to re-arrange their lives to make this work for a week. The most value is from the full week, but it is still a valuable experience if you can make it work for a few days or even a few trips.

Get Involved in Week Without Driving

Whether you’re a local decision-maker, advocate, or individual, there are ways for you to bring awareness to this important cause with us. Here are a few ways you can make the most of your Week Without Driving and share your experiences with the community:


If you are an elected official, sign up to participate and have a member of our staff join you for a ride-along to document and capture part of your Week Without Driving. We also encourage elected officials to share experiences using the #DurhamWeekWithoutDriving hastag.

Social Media Takeover

When you sign up to take the pledge, let us know if you would like to participate in a social media take-over of the Bike Durham account. This entails providing us with some short written commentary and photo/video documentation of one day of your Week Without Driving.


The Week Without Driving was started two years ago by Disability Mobility Initiative in the state of Washington. Now, the Week Without Driving is a national challenge, in partnership with America Walks. Bike Durham is one of more than 123 groups from 35 states and Washington D.C. which are hosting the challenge in their communities. Learn more about the campaign here.